Wordsmith Wednesday #4

The objective:

Show us a scene from your current project. It can be creepy, adventurous, romantic, etc. Just a snippet to let readers see what they’re in for!

The guidelines:

* Must be from a current work-in-progress (WIP). Nothing already published.
* You may choose from any section of the manuscript, but be mindful not to include spoilers.
* Keep it clean and YA audience friendly, please. No erotica.
* Stay under 300 words or about one page. It can be as little as a few lines if you prefer. We just want to give readers a chance to see everyone’s selection.
* Link back to Chirenjenzie so we can enjoy others’ work as well!
* Include the guidelines in your post.

I’ve been polishing up the past few weeks and this is one of those moments that I’ve been working on to get that roller-coaster wheeeee feeling in your stomach.
I hope you all enjoy this snippet

“I think he’s rethinking that error in judgment.”       

            “No,” I looked over my shoulder and found Crystal stomping her foot while Justin stared at Alec and me.  “He just wants what he can’t have anymore.” 
         “Practical.”  I looked back into Alec’s eyes.
         “So you’re a practical girl?”  There was a long pause and I knew that wasn’t the question he wanted me to answer.   Alec leaned forward, his lips a breath of space from ear.  “And what do you want, Cassandra?”
         My heart stuttered again as the double meaning hung in the air, pulsed with bass of the music…and my faltering heart.  Alec pulled back, his crystal blue eyes searched for an answer that I didn’t want to give, because, really, what I wanted at this moment in time was…

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