Burning the midnight oil and grabbing that early worm are really kicking my butt! The purplish smudges under my eyes are my only reward, right now.
Flat tush, round belly, jiggly arms, laundry piles, dust bunnies. Just a small list of my “accomplishments,” right now.
Imaginary friends, crazy worlds, reality and fantasy living harmoniously. Rough edges, smoothing; holes, filling; lines, tightening. It’s all coming together.
Eminem, Natasha Bedingfield, and, yes, sometimes Neil Diamond.
“Saucing the taco.” Eldest of five, only girl, crazy head shakes and lots of these !!!!!!!!!
Friends with grown-up girl’s gone crazy alcohol nights (that just means two drinks), friends with O-type blood, friends who make pictures and paper fun.
Sleepy babies, the snuggle shuffle at two in the morning, I love you, mommy-ies that are only out shined by the occasional, “I’m proud of you, mommy”.
And one day, I hope they’re as proud of me as I am of them.